Vineet Kumar

Full Stack SDET (QE Manager)

Knowledge becomes truly powerful when we share what we know. Shared knowledge multiplies the power it holds.

Below, I'm sharing some of the libraries I've created, aiming to contribute to and strengthen the SDET community. If they prove helpful in any way, it would be my pleasure .

Click Here and Scan to contribute to Existing Libraries .


RestAssured Framework

This framework is created to simplify the process to test API Use Case by using Rest Assured Libraries.

This framework can be utilized by cloning the repo url and just changing the Endopints and Payload of the services under test

Technology Used : Java , Rest Assured , Maven ,Cucumber

Github Url :

UI Automation Framework

This Framework is created for UI Test Use Cases

Technology Used :Java , Selenium . BDD ,Maven

Github Url :

Performance Framework

This Framework can measure performance of any API

Technology Used : Java , Gradle . BDD ,TestNg, Gatlin

Github Url :

Shopping Cart Framework

This framework is created for any one who want to create a small shopping cart Framework

Comming Soon -Development in progress

Technology Used :React , JavaScript ,Node.js . Express , Axios

Mobile Framework Android

This framework is created for any one who want to create Mobile Framework

Technology Used :Selenium , Java , Appium , Xcode

QR Code Generator

This framework is created for any one who want to create Mobile Framework

Technology Used :Selenium , Java , Appium , Xcode